Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub

North Loop’s front room features works on paper by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski, and Odessa Straub in a collaboration with Kinderhook, NY-based gallery SEPTEMBER. The exhibition brings together three artists with distinct approaches to color and composition across two gallery programs and celebrates the rich and unexpected connections that creative collaboration can yield. The exhibition highlights works on paper and the experimentation and exploration that the medium encourages—drawing out the varying formal choices central to each artist’s individual style. 

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha and Odessa Straub.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha and Odessa Straub.

Acha’s sweeping, vibrant fields of color are rooted in the environment in which they are made. Her most recent body of work features a new visual language that includes abstract motifs alluding to timekeeping and memories of the handheld maze games and Möbius strips of her childhood.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

Bielski’s compositions come together intuitively, often taking aerial views of the landscape as inspiration—whether that be New Mexico’s dry, open spaces, or the cityscape of New York after an ice storm. A closer look reveals marks made by the artist’s belongings: necklaces and ceramic sculptures leave traces in cyanotypes while undulating lines emerge as shoelaces affixed to a drawing’s surface. 

Straub’s work is infused with personal narrative; recurring characters and forms nod towards figuration, reminiscent of vessels, bones, and body parts. Former lovers and the artist’s childhood snake feature in impressionistic vignettes where particular people and events dictate specific color palettes and shapes. 

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

North Loop’s front room features works on paper by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski, and Odessa Straub in a collaboration with Kinderhook, NY-based gallery SEPTEMBER. The exhibition brings together three artists with distinct approaches to color and composition across two gallery programs and celebrates the rich and unexpected connections that creative collaboration can yield. The exhibition highlights works on paper and the experimentation and exploration that the medium encourages—drawing out the varying formal choices central to each artist’s individual style. 

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha and Odessa Straub.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha and Odessa Straub.

Acha’s sweeping, vibrant fields of color are rooted in the environment in which they are made. Her most recent body of work features a new visual language that includes abstract motifs alluding to timekeeping and memories of the handheld maze games and Möbius strips of her childhood.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

Installation view, Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub, works by Beverly Acha, Annie Bielski and Odessa Straub.

Bielski’s compositions come together intuitively, often taking aerial views of the landscape as inspiration—whether that be New Mexico’s dry, open spaces, or the cityscape of New York after an ice storm. A closer look reveals marks made by the artist’s belongings: necklaces and ceramic sculptures leave traces in cyanotypes while undulating lines emerge as shoelaces affixed to a drawing’s surface. 

Straub’s work is infused with personal narrative; recurring characters and forms nod towards figuration, reminiscent of vessels, bones, and body parts. Former lovers and the artist’s childhood snake feature in impressionistic vignettes where particular people and events dictate specific color palettes and shapes. 


Beverly Acha, zing zing zing boing (or five circles and a sun), 2023, pastel on handmade paper, 25 1_2 x 19 1_2 in. unframed, 29 x 23 in. framed.

Beverly Acha, ciclo nocturno [night-time cycle], 2023, pastel on handmade paper, 25 1/2 x 19 1/2 in. unframed, 29 x 23 in. framed.

Beverly Acha, notas (sonidos del paisaje) [notes (sounds of the landscape)], 2023, pastel on handmade paper, 15 4/5 x 11 4/5 in. unframed, 20 1/4 x 16 in. framed.

Beverly Acha, ve-lo-ci-dad (reloj de arena) [ve-lo-ci-ty (sand clock)], 2023, pastel on handmade paper, 15 4/5 x 11 4/5 in. unframed, 20 1/4 x 16 in. framed.  

Beverly Acha, Rebotar (or four circles) II [Bounce (o quatro círculos) II], 2023, 15 4/5 x 11 4/5 in. unframed, 20 x 16 in. framed.


Beverly Acha, melodias en el silencio (sonidos del paysaje) [melodies in the silence (sounds of the landscape)], 2023, oil on canvas, 18 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Amphitheatre, 2021, acrylic, marker, paper clay, and wax crayon on Arches cotton paper, 20 x 16 in. unframed, 25 x 21 in. framed.

Annie Bielski, Luggage, 2021, acrylic, marker, paracord, and cotton thread on Arches cotton paper, 20 x 16 in. unframed, 25 x 21 in. framed.

Annie Bielski, Two turkeys, a duck, and three chihuahuas, 2021, wax crayon, acrylic, oil stick, ink, Arches cotton paper, and cotton thread on canvas, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Hiccups and Kinks, 2021, acrylic and marker on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Red Show, 2021, acrylic, marker, cotton, and cotton thread on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Garden Party, 2021, acrylic, wax crayon, graphite, cotton, glue, and ink on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Superhero, 2021, wax crayon and acrylic on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.


Annie Bielski, We Took A Wrong Turn So Then We, 2018, acrylic, wax crayon, ink, graphite, gouache, and colored pencil on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Claw, 2021, acrylic, cotton, glue, graphite, and wax crayon on Arches paper, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Pink Matter, 2021, acrylic and marker on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.


Annie Bielski, Stars in Pocket, 2021, acrylic and marker on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 in.

Annie Bielski, Table Bouquet, 2022, ink and wax crayon on Arches cotton paper, 16 x 12 1/4 in. unframed, 19 1/2 x 15 3/4 in. framed.

Annie Bielski, Moon Walk, 2023, cyanotype, pencil, wax crayon, acrylic, sun, and dirt on Arches cotton paper, 12 x 9 in.


Annie Bielski, Getting Horizontal, 2023, cyanotype, pencil, acrylic, sun, and dirt on Arches cotton paper, 12 x 9 in.

Annie Bielski, Sea, 2023, cyanotype, pencil, acrylic, sun, and dirt on Arches cotton paper, 12 x 9 in.

Odessa Straub, Migrating Contents, 2018, acrylic on paper, 10 x 14 in. unframed, 13 x 17 in. framed.


Odessa Straub, Even if it is usually just to look, 2019, ink on paper, 12 x 9 in. unframed, 15 x 12 in. framed.

Odessa Straub, Snake Swallowed, 2017, acrylic on paper, 10 1/4 x 7 in.

Odessa Straub, Underwater Willies, 2017, acrylic on paper, 14 x 10 in.


Odessa Straub, One Devil While I Crawl Through the Window, 2017, acrylic on paper, 7 x 10 1/2 in.

Odessa Straub, Snake Fenced the Window, 2017, acrylic on paper, 14 x 10 ½ in.

Odessa Straub, Devil Trail on the Flesh, 2017, acrylic on paper, 6 x 4 1/2 in.


Odessa Straub, Untitled, 2019, acrylic on paper, 10 x 13 in. 


Odessa Straub, Worming to Work, 2021, watercolor on paper, 7 3/4 x 6 in.

Odessa Straub, Public Exposure, 2021, acrylic on paper, 10 1/2 x 7 in.


Odessa Straub, Diagram of Sometimes Hug (On Top), 2023, ink on paper, 9 x 12 in.

Odessa Straub, Diagram of Sometimes Hug (Inside), 2023, ink on paper, 9 x 12 in.

Odessa Straub, Diagram of Sometimes Hug (Under), 2023, ink on paper, 9 x 12 in.